Carmen and Tessy's Land Below The Wind

Introducing Sabah Malaysia Borneo in the Perspective of Two Young Sisters from the Land Below The Wind

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Our prayers for the victims of Hurricane Katrina

TESSY: We are so sad about what happened in the US. We can't believe that it can..., it can..., happened in the US. Carmen and I can only..., can only..., pray for the people who are suffering now and..., and..., those who died. We really felt for them.

CARMEN: It was bad. Especially the babies and children.

TESSY: I feel very bad for the..., for the..., people in New Orleans who are still..., who are still..., trapped there. And..., and..., many people lost their home, lost everything.

CARMEN: We watch CNN a lot the last few days, you know. But it's too sad to watch some time.

TESSY: I'm making "goody bags" for the children.

CARMEN: What's that, Tess?

TESSY: Carmen, that's a bag for goodies for the hungry kids, like food, sweets, water, my shoes and..., and...

CARMEN: Why don't you just ask dad to sent money to them, Tess?

TESSY: You mean a donation, Carmen?

CARMEN: Yeah, exactly.

TESSY: Because..., they don't need money. They need to eat and..., and..., to drink.

CARMEN: How are you going to sent your goody bags to them?

TESSY: Larry King Live tomorrow morning at 8am.


TESSY: The show will tell us how we can help, Carmen! Get it?

CARMEN: Ohhhh...

TESSY: Dad's blog has a very good editorial too on..., on..., the Hurricane Katrina.

CARMEN: Tessy, will you be praying for the little kids and babies tonight again?

TESSY: Of course, Carmen. They need our prayers.

CARMEN: Don't pray too loud and long.

TESSY: Why, Car?

CARMEN: Becozzzzz, it makes e very sad, and can't go to sleep.

TESSY: Ok then, Car. I'll pray in my heart.

CARMEN: Thanks, Tess.

TESSY: You're welcome, Car.


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