Carmen and Tessy's Land Below The Wind

Introducing Sabah Malaysia Borneo in the Perspective of Two Young Sisters from the Land Below The Wind

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Tessy got her ears pierced!

CARMEN: At last, Tessy finally got her ears pierced! Many times mom and I had tried to persuade her to get it done but she was a bit scared. I told her many times that I did not really felt any pain when I pirced my ears early this year. It only hurts like an ant's bite.

TESSY: It was not like an ant's bite Carmen. It was a bit..., a bit..., more painful than that...

CARMEN: C'mon Tess. It was not all that painful. You nearly freak out even before it was pierced. But you were a brave girl. I and mom are very proud of you.

TESSY: It was a bit itchy after that but..., but..., luckily I forgot about it when we watch..., we watch..., em..., em..., "The Chronicle of Narnia" at the movies later.

CARMEN: Great movie, right Tess?

TESSY: Yeah Carmen. It was cool...


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