Happy Chinese New Year
CARMEN: The Chinese New Year this year will fall on 29 January, and we'll have about a week off from school. Tessy and I would like to wish you Gong Xi Fa Cai, that is, if you are celebrating the Chinese New Year. I just can't wait to receive lots of Ang Pow.
TESSY: This year is the Year of the Dog according to the..., to the..., Chinese Astrology.
CARMEN: Is it a good year for Ox? That's my animal sign you know.
TESSY: How do I know Carmen? Just ask Lillian Too maybe?
CARMEN: Lillian Too the Feng Shui master? Hmmm, I sensed that it will be a very good year for Ox and Tiger, and that's you Tessy.
TESSY: Every year will be a good year if you..., if you..., work hard, concentrate and be..., and be..., discipline.
CARMEN: Tessy, did Dad told you that?
TESSY: I think so. But it's..., it's..., true you know. We make our own..., our own..., Feng Shui, you know?
CARMEN: Alright. Enough of that. Hope all of you will have a wonderful and safe New Year celebration and don't drive if you drink.
TESSY: Also..., also..., don't gamble too much.
CARMEN: Oh..., and not forgetting the Muslims who will be celebrating their New Year as well on 31 January, a Happy New Year to all of you too.
TESSY: Happy Holidays....