Carmen and Tessy's Land Below The Wind

Introducing Sabah Malaysia Borneo in the Perspective of Two Young Sisters from the Land Below The Wind

Monday, April 18, 2005

Happy Birthday Carmen!

CARMEN: I still miss Danielle. One month of fun and now..., back to our studies again.

TESSY: Dad was not too happy with our last test results?

CARMEN: Well, I am still leading my class after two tests and dad I think is ok with me. He will buy a GameBoy PS for me he said. But not with you Tess. You have 3 Bs this time.

TESSY: Ahhh, its because..., because..., we did not study much with Chris and Dan around, and..., and..., dad did not give me enough homework. But..., but..., I am still no. 7 in my class. The GameBoy is actually for your Birthday Car. Oh, Happy Birthday Carmen. You are eight years old today but..., but..., I am still six...

CARMEN: You'll be 7th next month right after our first semester exam.

TESSY: Yipe..., our 1st semester exam will be from 9 to 12 May (thats my birthday by the way), and our poor Blog..., our poor Blog..., will be quiet for awhile again.

CARMEN: Will ask dad to post some photos once in a while. Hope he will do so.

Friday, April 15, 2005

We'll Miss Dan & Chris

CARMEN: Our cousins, Danielle and Christopher, have gone back to Melbourne and we miss them so much. During their last night here, we brought them to have dinner at Portview Restaurant at the Waterfront, just opposite the Promenade Hotel. The Waterfront esplanade is a very good site to catch the sunset. And we can see so many islands nearby. We can also see the Sutera Harbour. It was fun running from one end of the wooden plank esplanade to the other. Dan and Chris liked it too although we reached just minutes after sunset.

TESSY: Carmen, is Portview the same as..., the same as..., the Grand Portview we ate at last time?

CARMEN: Of course its not the same Tess. Portview is at the Waterfront. Grand Portview is downtown KK.

TESSY: I know. I mean do they have the same owner?

CARMEN: I don't think so. Actually, both Portview and Grand Portview are known for their live seafood.

TESSY: But I think the food at Portview is more delicious. We even saw the live giant lobsters and prawns.

CARMEN: I dunno Tess? I don't really take seafood except for the soft crab. Dad said Portview is more expensive than other seafood restaurants around town.

TESSY: That's why their food is more yummy?

CARMEN: I really dunno Tess. But it was a sad night too as Danielle and Chris will be flying back to Australia early the next morning.

TESSY: Chris said they might..., they might..., come back again for a holiday next year.

CARMEN: I hope so...

Friday, April 08, 2005

Another School Test is Here

CARMEN: We will have another school test from 12 to 13 April 2005 and we won't have much time for our blog for the next one week.

TESSY: We won't have much time to..., to..., play with Danielle and Christopher...

CARMEN: And they will be going back to Australia next Friday.

TESSY: And they will be miss your Birthday too Car...

CARMEN: Don't remind me of that Tess. Maybe next time...

TESSY: Another three more years then they will be back here?

CARMEN: Maybe, dad will bring us there next time?

TESSY: Well Car..., I don't think so. Unless the currency exchange rate for Ringgit is stronger said dad.

CARMEN: Currency exchanging what Tessy?

TESSY: Nevermind...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Tamparuli Town and Kiulu Recreational Park

CARMEN: Last weekend, we bought Danielle and Christopher to Tamparuli, a small town about maybe 1 hour drive from KK city? And we had one of our favourite mee at one of the shops there.

TESSY: They are called Tamparuli Mee Carmen, and they are yummy...

CARMEN: I know Tess.

TESSY: But the best part of the trip is..., is... the recreational park.

CARMEN: Yes Tess, we went to a recreational and picnic place not far from Tamparuli town called Masenang in Kiulu or something like that, but I think I will just call it Kiulu Recreational Park. The trip actually had to go up very steep hills but I just love it. I think Danielle and Christopher love it too.

TESSY: The recreational park is great for..., for..., some picnic near the river bank, or do some swimming.

CARMEN: Mom told us that the river is also popular for White Water Rafting, something that maybe we will try when we get a little bit older?

TESSY: Dad said we can do it anytime we like as..., as..., the Kiulu river is not that the rough. The other site for..., for..., white water rafting is at..., is at..., Padas river, which is more for the grown ups.

CARMEN: I like walking on the shaky hanging bridges. It was pretty scary at first but, it was ok after awhile.

TESSY: Yeah Car but I was wearing slippers and was afraid that my slippers..., my slippers..., will fall off the bridge. It was scaryyyyy.

CARMEN: I will rescue you if you fall Tess.

TESSY: Hemmm.